Death by DB Thruster 22.5/15kg

In a 20 minute window

1 DB Thruster in the first 1 min

2 DB Thrusters in the second 1 min

3 DB Thrusters in the third 1 min ... Continuing this for as long as you are able.

Once unable you will Row the remainder of the time left for Max Cals

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For Time (with a Partner)


1000 meter Row

800 meter Run

50 Pull-Ups

100 Push-Ups

150 Air Squats

800 meter Run

30 Pull-Ups

60 Push-Ups

90 Air Squats

800 meter Run

20 Pull-Ups

40 Push-Ups

60 Air Squats

800 meter Run


1000 meter row

Wear a Weight Vest 10/7kg, except on the row

Partners run together. For everything else (row, push-ups, pull-ups, and air squats) one partner works at a time; break up the reps between partners as needed.

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